


电影 纪录 2010 美国


导演: 马丁·舒利克 

主演: 斯特凡·乌赫尔 米洛斯·福尔曼 Jaromil Jireš 帕维尔·祖拉契克 扬·施密特 埃瓦尔德·朔尔姆 Jan Němec 伊凡·帕瑟 Karel Kachyňa 杨·卡达尔 艾尔玛·克洛斯 奥塔卡·瓦夫拉 维拉·希蒂洛娃 Jiří Menzel 朱拉·亚库比斯克 拉吉斯拉夫·黑尔格 Jiří Krejčík Eduard Grečner 法兰提塞·维拉席 Karel Vachek 尤拉伊·赫兹 德拉侯米拉·维哈诺瓦 Hynek Bočan Dušan Hanák 伊洛·哈维塔 沃依采克·雅斯尼 

状态: HD

剧情: The 2-part feature-length documentary "25 ze šedesátých aneb Československá nová vlna" (&q...展开uot;25 from the Sixties, or Czechoslovak New Wave") presents a complex view of the phenomenon of Czech and Slovak New Wave in the cultural and social context of the 60's. 25 fundamental films commented on by their makers and film historians offer the viewer a dramatic insight into the golden era of Czechoslovak cinema.The documentary is a follow-up on the biographical TV series "Zlatá šedesátá" (Czech Television, 2009), based on the filmmakers' personal remembrances. As opposed to the series, the documentary presents the Czech and Slovak cinema of the 60's in the national, international and also inter-generational context. It describes the ways the New Wave crossed the existing artistic boundaries, how it variegated the world cinema and where it left an ineffaceable impression. It analyses the work of filmmakers in a state-funded cinema, under the pressure of ideological demands on one hand and commerce on the other. It presents the dilemma of a man - an artist - on the edge between contradictory social systems and incongruous aesthetic requirements. The existential drama of a man acting freely and at the same time mercilessly crushed by the wheels of the system.The 60's are, from this point of view, mostly an era of fortunate historical constellation, not only in - at that time - Czechoslovakia, but on a world-wide scale. An era of expectations and upswing, but also an era of exemplary human decisions and artistic pursuit. Those are some of the things "25 ze šedesátých aneb Československá nová vlna" wants to commemorate.Part 1 comments on:■"Slnko v sieti" ("The Sun in a Net," 1962) by Štefan Uher■"Konkurs" ("Audition," 1963) by Miloš Forman■"Křik" ("The Cry," 1963) by Jaromil Jireš■"Postava k podpírání" ("Joseph Kilian," 1963) by Pavel Juráček & Jan Schmidt■"Každý den odvahu" ("Courage for Every Day," 1964) by Evald Schorm■"Démanty noci" ("Diamonds of the Night," 1964) by Jan Němec■"Intimní osvětlení" ("Intimate Lighting," 1966) by Ivan Passer■"Ať žije republika" ("Long Live the Republic," 1965) by Karel Kachyňa■"Obchod na korze" ("The Shop on Main Street," 1965) by Ján Kadár & Elmar Klos■"Romance pro křídlovku" ("Romance for Bugle," 1966) by Otakar Vávra■"Sedmikrásky" ("Daisies," 1966) by Věra Chytilová■"Ostře sledované vlaky" ("Closely Watched Trains," 1966) by Jiří MenzelPart 2 comments on:■"Kristove roky" ("The Prime of Life," 1967) by Juraj Jakubisko■"Stud" ("Shame," 1967) by Ladislav Helge■"Svatba jako řemen" ("A Hard and Fast Marriage," 1967) by Jiří Krejčík■"Drak sa vracia" ("Dragon's Return," 1967) by Eduard Grečner■"Marketa Lazarová" ("Marketa Lazarová," 1967) by František Vláčil■"Spřízněni volbou" ("Elective Affinities," 1968) by Karel Vachek■"Spalovač mrtvol" ("The Cremator," 1968) by Juraj Herz■"Zabitá neděle" ("Squandered Sunday," 1969) by Drahomíra Vihanová■"Pasťák" ("The Decoy," 1968) by Hynek Bočan■"Případ pro začínajícího kata" ("Case for a Rookie Hangman," 1969) by Pavel Juráček■"322" ("322," 1969) by Dušan Hanák■"Slávnosť v botanickej záhrade" ("Celebration in the Botanical Garden," 1969) by Elo Havetta■"Všichni dobří rodáci" ("All My Good Countrymen," 1968) by Vojtěch Jasný收起


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失踪顺序 7.3 HD 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 克里斯托弗·海维尤 比吉特·约尔特·索伦森 布鲁诺·冈茨 帕尔·斯维尔·哈根 托拜厄斯·桑特尔曼 谢尔盖·特里富诺维奇 彼得·安德森 安德斯·巴斯莫·克里斯蒂安森 斯蒂格·亨里克·霍夫 雅各布·奥福特布罗 大卫·樱井 戈兰·纳沃耶克 Atle Antonsen  故事发生在冬天的挪威,沉默内敛又辛勤工作的尼尔斯负责驾驶马力强劲的除雪车清理道路,保持通往他所居住的冰原小镇的山路入口畅通。他的工作受到大家的肯定,就在他刚刚被评为年度市民时,他却接到噩耗——他的
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在某人受伤害之前 HD中字版 迈克·韦尔奇 亚历桑德拉·图申 Aaron Sauter Patrick Woodall 凯蒂·亨尼 Julia Morrison 威尔·罗杰斯  Tim and his team are the rising stars of the ghost hunting game. One thing they all like better th
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穷途末路 已完结 Cuba Gooding Jr. Harvey Keitel Miguel Ferrer  爱情,荣誉,权利,对死亡的恐惧。人们为了各种各样的理由活着。但当你活者的理由是复仇时,生命中就充满了岔路。JOSHUA 是一个很棘手的黑手党首领,不幸的是,一天在一个最大的毒品商交易中被捕。当你没
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