


电影 动作 剧情 2018 美国


导演: Bryn Evans 

主演: Dario Franchitti Scott Dixon Tony Kanaan Chip Ganassi 

状态: 已完结

剧情: A powerful and inspirational story of dedication, danger, fear, and the rare 'will' some of us have ...展开to defy all personal limitations. Experience one of the fastest mostorsports on earth through the eyes of four-time world champion Scott Dixon and the Chip Ganassi Racing team. Filmed with an access all areas lens, 'Born Racer' follows the people who are passionate about the world of auto racing and asks why some individuals feel compelled to face danger and risk their lives in order to win. Both action-packed and highly-intimate it features an intense blend of up close and personal filming with never-before-seen spectacular, cutting-edge racing footage to explore a sport that defines the very people who inhabit it, and pushes them to the edge in their desire for success.收起


丧尸围城:瞭望塔 5.3 HD中字版 罗伯·里格尔 梅甘·欧瑞 维吉妮娅·马德森 杰西·麦特卡尔菲 基冈·康纳·特雷西 丹尼斯·海斯伯特 阿莱克斯·潘诺维奇 凯利·格泽尔 C.恩斯特·哈斯 Sachin Sahel 皮特·本森 Paul Lazenby 曼尼·贾希尼托 Taya Clyne Nickolas Baric  此片根据CAPCOM的著名动作射击游戏《丧尸围城》改编,故事发生在一个叫Megadome的城镇上,一种新型丧尸病毒袭击了这个地方,普通的病毒抑制剂“僵立停”无法对付这种病毒。新闻记者Chase C
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疯马歌舞秀 7.5 HD中字 Naamah Alva Daizy Blu 菲利普·德库弗雷 菲烈·卡特林  世界最着名的无上装艳舞俱乐部、巴黎的“疯马”再度登上银幕。由82岁的美国纪录片名导弗雷德里克‧韦斯曼执导的《疯马歌舞秀》威尼斯、多伦多和圣巴斯蒂安电影节上映。影片从年轻的舞蹈家PhilippeDe
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自由发型 剧情
Pentatonix:世界佳节巡礼 5.4 HD中字 尼科·桑托斯 Kirstin Maldonado Scott Hoying Pentatonix  无伴奏合唱超级巨星组合Pentatonix正在为一年一度的节日专辑找不到创作灵感而发愁,时间所剩无几。雪上加霜的是,他们好心的经纪人闹了乌龙,误将大家关进了一间神奇的邮件室。不过,在迪士尼魔法的帮助下
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