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娜姐背后的男人 HD中字

For her ‘Blond Ambition’ tour in 1990, pop superstar Madonna was looking for performers who knew how...展开 to vogue. Out of countless hopefuls, the gay dancers Salim, Kevin, Carlton, José, Luis and Gabriel were chosen along with huphopper Oliver, the only straight guy. The tour was accompanied by a film crew and Madonna cast herself in the role of mother figure of her stage family. The boys soon found fans among homosexual youths who saw them as role models, while the tour came to epitomise Madonna’s commitment to gay liberation and the acknowledgement of AIDS. But the idyll fell apart after the tour. Although the dancers were pivotal to Madonna’s message, they weren't all living it. After failing to persuade Madonna to cut out the kissing scene that would ‘out’ him to his family and friends, Gabriel filed a lawsuit against her. In he Gabriel died of AIDS-related illness, while the others continued to pursue their professional careers. Now, twenty-five years later, the six surviving performers are reunited and long-buried secrets are aired. The filmmakers excel at telling the stories of these very different dancers in order to edge closer to the truth. berlinale 2016收起



罪恶之子 HD中字版 Jo-Ann Robinson Meredith Mohler Christopher Wesley Moore  After being sent to a sinister religious retreat by their stepfather, two siblings fight to escape
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博物馆奇妙夜国语 7.6 HD 本·斯蒂勒 欧文·威尔逊 罗宾·威廉姆斯 迪克·范·戴克 米基·鲁尼 比尔·考布斯 杰克·切里 瑞奇·热维斯 基姆·瑞弗 派崔克·盖勒  拉里·达利(本·斯蒂勒 饰)生活似乎不太顺利:经常换工作,居无定所;妻子与他离婚,找了一个证券经纪人,即将再婚,自己在儿子心目中的地位也岌岌可危。达利为了挽救自己的生活,也为了争取到儿子的抚养
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小小港湾 7.0 HD 瓦妮莎·萨穆赫洛娃 马图斯·巴奇辛 卡塔琳娜·卡门佐娃 约翰娜·特萨罗娃  故事的灵感来源于真实事件,10岁的小女孩亚拉与外祖母和妈妈生活在一起。外祖母去世 后,不负责任的妈妈露西娅也离家出走,留下亚拉独自生活。一个偶然的机会,她带回两个 婴儿,和她的玩伴克里斯蒂安,开始
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谍恋奇缘 HD中字版 弗罗里安·巴西奥罗麦 Hede Beck Maja Beckmann 娜塔莉亚·别利茨基 Patrick Erwied Manuel Flach 克里斯森科赫 Nina Mohr 马克·本杰明·普赫 莱纳·顺纳  西蒙(弗罗里安·巴西奥罗麦 Florian Bartholomäi 饰)是国际食品安全集团的总裁,负责集团内的安全防范工作,他要将在这里的雇员看得死死的,以防他们泄露集团的机密消息。西蒙是个非常谨
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橘郡男孩 6.7 已完结 科林·汉克斯 杰克·布莱克 斯科勒·费斯科 布莱特·哈里森 凯尔·霍华德  故事发生在风景宜人的橘子郡,朋友的意外身亡让原本热爱冲浪的肖恩(科林·汉克斯 Colin Hanks 饰)大为震惊,因为在此之前,他的世界中从来不曾出现过这样真实而又痛苦的事情。一次偶然中,肖恩在
橘郡男孩 喜剧 剧情
找到你了 6.7 HD中字版 海伦·亨特 乔恩·坦尼 犹大·刘易斯 欧文·泰格 莉碧·巴勒尔 妮可·福斯特 埃里卡·亚历山大 阿利森·金 山姆·特拉梅尔 Brooks Roseberry Adam Kern  海伦·亨特加盟亚当·兰道([奇机少年])执导恐怖片[找到了](I See You,暂译)。一位儿童诱拐调查员忍受着妻子出轨的痛苦,妻子也因内疚逐渐变得情绪失常。邪恶之力渐渐入侵他们的家庭,两人的儿
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神奇燕尾服英语 6.4 HD 成龙 詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 詹森·艾萨克 黛比·玛扎  出租车司机吉米·唐(成龙 饰)是个在自己心仪女子面前缺乏自信的家伙,所经反复排练但还是会在上阵时手足无措。飚出租车是他唯一所长,拥有因超速被九次吊扣执照的光荣记录,也因这一点被富翁戴弗林(Jaso
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