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我会击倒你 第12集

Ti是一名大学生,曾做过兼职家教。有一天,他的一个学生和高中混混惹上了麻烦。蒂瓦去保护他的学生,并与该团伙的头目诺伊对峙。那一天之后,Ti和诺伊偶遇了那么多次,他开始了解到,虽然诺伊长得很坏,但这个男...展开孩傻得离谱。没有,我只是自己想起来,我是追着他跑。Ti极力解释自己对他一点兴趣都没有,但命运却玩了些有趣的把戏。Ti被联系去给一个新来的学生当家教。那个学生是诺伊。他们对彼此了解得更多。诺伊开始改变自己,在Ti身上有所行动。~~改编自koreanrabbit的小说《พี่จะตีนะเนย》。Ti, a college student, had a part-time job as a tutor. One day, one of his students got into trouble with high-school gangsters. Tiwa went to protect his student and confronted the leader of the gang, Noei. After that day, Ti ran into Noei so many times, he started to learn that although Noei had a badass look, the boy was ridiculously silly. Noei just came up by himself that Ti was running after him. Ti was so done trying to explain that he had zero interest in him, but fate played funny tricks. Ti was contacted to be a tutor for a new student. That student was Noei. They learned more about each other. Noei started to change himself and made a move on Ti.~~ Adapted from the novel พี่จะตีนะเนย by KoreanRabbit.收起



镜中影 全6集 Zen Burapha Triton Theeradech  这是一个由镜子的反射连接起来的关系的故事。当“唐”的身份消失,取而代之的是“Neo”的影子.
镜中影 同性 奇幻 惊悚 剧情
情牵两世 8.4 已完结 阿卡盼·纳玛 卡曼妮·耶美肯 Grace Karnklao Natt Thephasadin Sun Pichayadon 饰演 Raiwat  某日,曼妮雅(卡曼妮·耶美肯 Khemanit Jamikorn 饰)的车半路抛锚,无奈之下,她进入了路边的古董店,企图寻求帮助,不曾想这一举动,将自己牵扯进了一段贯穿过去和未来的旷世奇缘之中。
情牵两世 爱情 古装
爱在空气中 全13集 Peat Wasuthorn Chaijinda Fort Thitipong Sengngai Boss Chaikamon Sermsongwittaya Noeul Nuttarat Tangwai Act Tanachai Kulcharoentanachot 奇萨努蓬·邦马尼 James Pongsapak Rachaporn Chai Supakit Puth Chaya Seng Supachkok Vilasmongkonchai  Rain,一个皮肤白皙的可爱家伙,在一个下雨天,他的车出了点问题。幸运的是,一个健壮的摩托车手Phayu来救我们了。Rain一摘下头盔就完全被他的样子迷住了,想变得和他一样酷。原来Phayu实际上
爱在空气中 爱情 同性
泰剧无尽的爱 7.6 已完结 婉娜拉·宋提查 友塔纳·布格朗 Guy Ratchanont 培查雅·朝瓦莉  故事发生在六十年代初期,一穷二白的青年德克(友塔纳·布格朗 Yuttana Puangklang 饰)邂逅了美丽的女子曼妮(婉娜拉·宋提查 Wannarot Sonthichai 饰),然而曼妮却
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